
Mao kalandjai Kagylós Szent Jakab útján, 800km gyalogosan Spanyolhonban,

Friss topikok


To my friends around the world

2008.09.17. 16:18 :: Mao elvtárs

I write this post for the people who I met during the road. You know what I know, you feel what I feel, we need no words. We all realized that (quote from the movie "Into the Wild") happiness is sharing. We all shared the sweat, the thirst, the tiring days, and we shared the food, the singing, the enthusiasm of "being on the road".

In Carrion de los Condes, I spent a night with the Benedictine Sisters. They asked us to sing something we brought from home. Since I couldnt give back the feelings of the song "Honfoglalas" (which means the settlement of our ancestors, the Magyars in Hungary), its time to introduce you this song. It is about the love of our land and country. Here you find a translation.


(further translations to german and maybe polish(?) at the info panel at youtube)


One more word before you leave
One more hug that will be with you
On the road think about me sometimes
This land is yours, if you depart, it will wait for you

Look at me and see, you're stepping on stars
Look at me, the pain had disappear
Where the trees reach the sky, light touches you
You know where to go, but you will return

Fly, fly on falcon's wings over three hills
Fly, fly, i'll be waiting you at the end of your road

You have to know your life has its worth

The place you live is the world of worlds
If there's no new branch grow on the tree which reaches the sky
Live to be the flower of flowers

Fly, fly on falcon's wings over three hills
Fly, fly, i'll be waiting you at the end of your road
Fly, fly on falcon's wings over three hills
Fly, fly, i'll be waiting you at the end of your road

Look at me and dont promise
Look at me and dont afraid
If there is no place to live
Start to come home...


There were other songs as well which touched me, which were with me during the road. Before I even heard about Camino, I wanted to be a strider. There was a hungarian song, which reflected my feelings very much, its title is Wanderer . It is about a dying old man, a tale about his life. He was born as an unwanted child, he lived among thieves and rogues, but when he's got 18, he was free. All he wanted is to wander the world, plains, rivers, mountains, seas, only going, never stop. Everyone loved him, but he never stayed anywhere, he always felt the Faraway calls him. He didnt care about money, food, weather, he just went on and on and sang his song.

But years had pass, his hair turns to white. Fire in his eyes, blood in his veins, but the eternal rest calls him...

Dont care about the pics, just listen to the music.



A simple song but filled with emotions: "If I were a rose." I sang this a lot of times during my way. I dont want to translate all, only the last two parts, but understanding its power, I tell you what it is about: to being open-minded, to being good hearted. If I were a rose, I would open to everyone, four times a year, to the girls, to the boys, to the true love and passing away. If I were a gate, I would open for everyone. If I were a window, I would show everything to the world.

But I must give you the text of the last two parts. It is about the revolution of 1956, when russian tanks invaded Hungary and the betrayal of the politicans who ruled until 1989.

"If I were a street, I would be always clean

Every blessed evening, I'd bath into light

And if a sprocket-wheel would trample on me

The crying ground beneath me would collapse

If I were a flag , I would never flutter

I would be wrathful for all the winds

I would be happy to be spread and fixed

And I wouldnt be the toy of the winds."

It is not the original version, but this one is maybe even better. The singer, Sylvia Peter-Szabo has a band, Nox, which plays a modern music, but it bonds strongly to the hungarian music traditions.

If I were a rose


This is a few hits from Nox, with tipycal ancient hungarian instruments or folk songs. Not corresponding to my Camino, I just want to show you.

Nox1 Nox2 Nox3


Another beautiful hungarian music from Ghymes. The text is not so important. The title means Dance in the snow.

Of course here is my personal hymn during the road: Manowar: Master of the wind. Every word it has, it had means during the road. Never forget: "There a road begins where another one will end".


For Oscar, remembering our singings (yes, we had these, without alcohol!)



And yes, the Final One. I reached Finisterra, the Final Land, the very end of five weeks of sweat, weariness, pain, adventure and meeting with wonderful people like you. There was the point where is no more road into the West, only the Sea.

This is what this sog is about. It meets more to my feelings than I thought before.

Annie Lennox: Into the West

Thank you for everything and know: you have a friend in Hungary and you can call me anytime you need.


Sunset at Finister


My signature in the sand


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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Hédi 2008.09.22. 10:26:05

Megnéztem ill. meghallgattam a Master of the Wind-et, közben elkezdtek folyni a könnyeim, hogy miért, azt nem tudom. Mondjuk engem nem az Út,inkább a Szél érintett meg. A szél az jó; a lágy szél olyan, mint a simogatás, az erős szél pedig azért jó, mert szárít. Beszárítja a sebeket. Ne nevess!:) Nekem a dal szövegének az a része a legszebb, hogy (idézet nem szó szerint) the four winds will know who will break and who will bend. Szóval kösz, még sokszor meg fogom hallgatni a dalt.

Ventor 2008.09.27. 20:51:45

Ez szép volt Gratula!!


Peter Mlynarcik 2008.09.29. 19:12:32

szep zene es szep film BRAVE HEART ....

e.soma 2008.10.09. 20:57:08

Mao, ha már ennyire benne vagy a fordításban, nem tennéd fel a Manowar szöveget magyarul? Köszi :)

Mao elvtárs · 2008.10.10. 10:55:33

Dehogynem, itt van, bár nem pontos:

A sötétség csendjében, ha minden fény kihuny
Álmodom, a szellemedet hívom
mint vitorla a szelet, halld az angyali éneket
Messze, a csillagok mögött, a nyugati égen túl
A feketeségbe érvén ezüst fényt látsz
Halkan súgom, egy gyertya az éjben
Minden álmunkat egy fénysugárban hordozzuk

Hunyd be a szemed, nézd az álmodat
A változás szelei szerencsét hoznak

Messze szállj, égi szivárvány felé
Kincset rejt a tő, bárki megleli
Új út kezdődik, hol egy másik végetér
Csak a szél tudja, ki bukik és célt ki ér
Mind a szelek urai leszünk

Hullócsillagok, ragyogjatok utamon
Sorsom a szelekbe íródott
Felhők fent, felhők lent,
Az álmom végtelenjében
Ha a szél feltámad a felhők továbbállnak
És oelőtűnik álmaink útja
Minden fájó nap két jobbat hozhat
Semmi sem oly rossz, mint gondolnád


e.soma 2008.10.11. 20:06:22

Köszönöm :)

Henn Erzsi 2008.11.04. 15:01:04

szia Tamás !

Nem tudom emlékszel-e még rám, én voltam La Fababan az a magyar "hölgy" a három közül, aki krumplicukrot adott neked. Utána még egy jót beszélgettünk az utolsó útszakaszon és aztán még a Finisterrai buszon is találkoztunk. Nagyon jól írsz, szinte ismét ott éreztem magam az úton. Én is irogattam a blogomat menet közben, ha érdekel olvasd el,szerepelsz benne, mint utam egyik színfoltja. Sajnos a képeket még nem tudtam feltölteni, mert a számítógépem vacakol, de majd az is meglesz.
Remélem rendbe jöttek a dolgaid, sok sikert kívánok Neked. Soha ne add fel, szerintem nagyon tehetséges vagy és előbb utóbb minden sikerülni fog Neked, amit eltervezel, mert jól látod a dolgokat és tudsz élni.
Buon camino a továbbiakban is!!
Szeretettel Henn Erzsi

Henn Erzsi 2008.11.04. 15:03:01

Ja , a blogom cime:

H. E.

Luna · 2008.11.10. 23:46:07

Rég láttalak, jó lenne összefutni... nekem is megvolt a magam Útja most, Új-Zélandon... valamikor összedugjuk a fejünket és mesélünk és hallgatunk, mint régen? A telszámom a régi, email címem is (látod remélem :P ).

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